It’s almost time for my Rainbow to SHINE!

Just a quick update, as I have been MIA from blogging for quite some time! Tomorrow is D-day! We are heading in for a medical induction tomorrow morning, and our little man should be here by dinner time. Please keep us in your thoughts as we prepare ourselves for what is sure to be an […]

16 weeks, 5 days

Today marks 16 weeks, 5 days in my rainbow pregnancy. The past week has brought up a great deal of emotions. Eliza‘s due date was last Friday, as most of my readers know, and today marks the point in THIS pregnancy at which I lost Eliza. My Dr. D saw me on Monday and will […]

Today could have been your birthday, Eliza

It could have been today. Or yesterday. Or last week. But your birthday isn’t coming. That possibility came and went that day in the doctor’s office when our doctor hunted for your heartbeat. It went that day when I walked across the hall to the ultrasound room, clutching my husband’s hand as my stomach knotted […]

Simple Pleasures…The Mom’s Edition

I remember being a single, 20-something working a full-time job and having more money than I needed and time to spare. Then I became a mom and all that changed. I used to enjoy weekly mani-pedis, new clothes every week, and expensive makeup and hair care products. I was spoiled. I did whatever I wanted, […]

How’d they do it?

As I was sitting at home the other day, I started to feel a sense of overwhelming inadequacy as I looked around my house. Toys scattered everywhere, papers splayed haphazardly across my kitchen table, dishes in the sink, and a bathroom from a frat house (okay maybe not that bad, but you get the idea). […]

Everybody’s Zooin’ It!

I remember life before I was a mom. It’s a little shadow of a memory, but it’s there. Just lurking in a tiny space in my mind, nearly overrun with thoughts of diapers, wipes, runny noses, fevers, coughs, giggles, coos, tantrums, and the like. At any rate, I have this memory that is BURNED into […]

Man Caves…really?

I like to watch HGTV and DIY network television. I know, I know. Why? Apparently I’m destined to find myself perplexed every day that I turn on such shows as “My First Place” and “House Hunters.” How can I become one of those single-income, work-at-home families who is financing $550,000 for a home in Someplace […]

Curly Miri

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This Child's Mom

"A mother and child live the first great love story."


Dealing with the loss of our baby Luke

Live Now and Zen

Because even when it seems like a gag gift, the present is still a gift

To Be Aware

It's all about disbelieving your thoughts

Off Duty Mom

Thoughts from an exhausted mom who is NEVER really "off duty"

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Highest Form of Whit

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Sex, Dating, and Surviving Your Twenties


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