When I felt Heaven on Earth

As I laid in the special care unit of the OB ward last April, the amount of pain I felt was unbearable: the deep, gut-wrenching pain of helplessness and frustration, cloaked heavily in disgust for my body’s failure to keep our daughter alive, and the overwhelming grief coupled with the realization of the emotional pain […]

It still hurts…

We took our three-year-old trick or treating tonight. As I sit here now thinking about what fun we had, I’m sad at the same time. It still hurts. It hurt last week, as a dear friend and her beautiful daughters came to our house. Her youngest, an itty-bitty one-year-old, took a keen interest in my […]

When your love story looks “different” than Disney

Every one of us grows up thinking we will have a Disney-style, fairytale life. We’ll meet a handsome prince or princess, fall madly in love, get married, and live happily ever after. The truth is, that doesn’t always happen. Life is messy and complicated. People make mistakes and poor choices. They deceive one another, make […]

It was a WEDDING!

We did it! We tied the knot! Whatta day. Talk about an exciting 24 hours. It was like a blitz of emotions and excitement followed by what felt like a hangover…but was certainly not! January 19th came and went very quickly. As most people warned us beforehand,  the old adage to “enjoy it because it goes […]

Everybody’s Zooin’ It!

I remember life before I was a mom. It’s a little shadow of a memory, but it’s there. Just lurking in a tiny space in my mind, nearly overrun with thoughts of diapers, wipes, runny noses, fevers, coughs, giggles, coos, tantrums, and the like. At any rate, I have this memory that is BURNED into […]

Man Caves…really?

I like to watch HGTV and DIY network television. I know, I know. Why? Apparently I’m destined to find myself perplexed every day that I turn on such shows as “My First Place” and “House Hunters.” How can I become one of those single-income, work-at-home families who is financing $550,000 for a home in Someplace […]

Personal Space- Back the eff up!

I like my personal space. I like to think that I have a floating pink bubble around me. You know, the imaginary, impenetrable force-field that is supposed to ward off freaks and weirdos. This force-field might also be called COMMON DECENCY. Personal space, much like common sense and decency, is clearly not as “common” as […]

Reality Television-Depravity at its Finest

It’s out there. It’s everywhere. It’s a cultural phenomenon. What is it, you wonder? I’m talking about reality television. Reality television has done to television what porn has done to people’s sex lives. It has awakened our culture to things we never experienced or even dreamed. People who would have otherwise remained blissfully ignorant to […]

It’s a New Year! Resolutions suck. Goals rock!

As an eternal optimist, I can say that the beginning of each new year is one of my favorite times of the entire year. I love the idea that the slate has been wiped clean and there is nothing but possibility ahead of me. I’m particularly excited about this year, as last year wasn’t exactly […]

Curly Miri

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