The Right and Privilege of Voting

November 6- Today I am thankful for the right and privilege of voting. It is something that many people in this country take for granted. Voting is something that stole many lives over the years, and took many struggles to gain for every citizen. It took strength, courage, and conviction to fight for this fundamental concept […]

Give Thanks EVERY Day Series

As today marks the start of November, it also marks the start of my effort to spend a little time each day expressing my own thankfulness. So, without further ado, here is day one. November 1- I am thankful to be able to stay home with my son each day.  I am so fortunate to be able to […]

Curly Miri

Antics & Adventures

Amanda's Blog

Daily musings of God's Princess

This Child's Mom

"A mother and child live the first great love story."


Dealing with the loss of our baby Luke

Live Now and Zen

Because even when it seems like a gag gift, the present is still a gift

To Be Aware

It's all about disbelieving your thoughts

Off Duty Mom

Thoughts from an exhausted mom who is NEVER really "off duty"

Richard Aliosada Blog

Personal Development | Health| Relationship Guide | Real Estate Cebu

Highest Form of Whit

Bigger. Bolder. Bloggier.*

A Confederacy of Spinsters

Sex, Dating, and Surviving Your Twenties


Living life as a Mom fabulously, not Glamorously! News

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